Through my research i have found many different conventions of music videos in general. Goodwin's theory, explained many conventions that fall under the majority of music videos today. However, I have found other conventions of what tends to be involved in music videos.
- There is a relationship between the visuals and lyrics
We based our whole narrative around the lyrics, however, the lyrics do not give a clear story but give suggestions for what may have happened, allowing us to be creative with constructing the narrative. Our narrative follows the main singer story; reminiscing on the toxic relationship which has left him low and reminiscing over the future, this has also lead to him taking a journey, lines such as:
"now I cant see tomorrow?"
"you've got to jaywalk"
"whos said that I, I don't deserve to move on'?"
Brayton Bowmen is the artist of jaywalk , Brayton prides him self in his soulful pop music and his blunt rolling. Brayton States he's ' inspired by: Amy Winehouse, Stevie wonder & people that thrive in the face of adversity.' the fact that Brayton is inspired from people of all genres but practically the soul and R'n'B genre shows what type of music he creates and that's what I wanted to show during the creation of his music video, a artist that perform pop but still has the raw soul in the song , the song jaywalk resonates with a few audiences from a younger pop degenerate to a older mature R'n'B audience. One artist that has helped me in the creation of a real music video was Sam Smith in particular the song not the only one , whilst the song is recognised as a chart toping pop song many see the soul and passion that is often associated in the R'n'B genre and the music video especially get the same vibe with the passion being felt at many different parts by different audiences. Brayton states on his website, 'I SOUND LIKE MY SELF. WE CAN CALL IT 90S-R&B-INFLUNCED ELECTRONIC MUSIC IF YOU WANT... BUT I MAKE POP MUSIC. JUST NOT THE KIND YOU'RE USED TO' this also support the choices of the inspiration of the music videos I used for help of the real media product.

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